All the love you ever wanted
Dear Thirteen-Year-Old Angela: Please don’t worry about your looks so much. You will learn how little they matter, and how ultimately...

Dear Future Women of Cameroon
Written by Advice Project Media's Cameroon Program Manager, Fomuso Blessing Nabila, to future generations of women of Cameroon: Dear...

Introducing the Real You
92/365 Breathe, by Martina K. Dear 13-Year-Old Saskia, Thirteen is a big year for you. You will have your first kiss, your parents will...

It all works out
The Lonely Stroll (Denmark #29 Tornby Strand), by Nelson L. Dear Thirteen-Year-Old Naama, The first thing I want to tell you is that it...

Education will provide you with a strong sense of purpose.
Dearest Thirteen-Year-Old Aelya, I almost didn’t write to you. Not because I didn’t think you’d benefit from a letter like this, but...

Find the love that is within you.
To My 13 Year Old Self, In order to find peace, joy and happiness within, you must first learn to love and accept YOU. You must find the...

Your mental health will falter, but you are "one powerhouse of a little girl."
Jenny, as a teen, right. Dear Jenny, Sometime in the future you will prefer to be called Jen, or Jennifer, but your family will still...

Bring back the color in your life with hope.
Colors, by Yuri Levchenko Dear 13-Year-Old Dawilda: I wish I could have been the person you needed at thirteen. Your real journey is only...

It's not your fault... You didn't deserve it.
I really, really, really like Dale. He’s cute, and adorable and sweet and his pimples only sometimes gross me out. The only problem is...

You will be fearless
Dear Shemena: When you are 44, you will be the kind of woman who drives a fast, black car with manual transmission. You’ll have long...