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ADVICE PROJECT MEDIA centers the voices of youth, women, indigenous peoples, and citizen journalists from around the world. We publish feminist articles and films about gender, the environment (the conservation of both tropical rainforests and coral reefs), the rights of indigenous peoples, climate change, and the social issues most important to youth in various communities. 

ADVICE PROJECT MEDIA offers free or sliding scale media, writing, and citizen journalism classes and video-making labs for youth, young adult leaders, and adults living in the U.S.A., the Northwest Region of Cameroon, and Guadeloupe. Our first short film, written and reported by two of our youth citizen journalists in Bamenda, Cameroon was premiered at the Millennial Empowerment Conference in Cameroon in August, 2016. There, over 750 global change makers from around the world saw the film and listened to our students speak on a panel about why communities must listen to youth when making decisions about gender equality and peace-building. 

In addition to our local classes, ADVICE PROJECT MEDIA hosts Global Leadership and Empowerment Summits for teen girls and women and intensive writing programs for adults and youth of all genders. These summits and programs -- which we have offered in the Peruvian rainforest, along the coast of Guadeloupe, and in the montane highland forests of Cameroon -- have focused on the promotion of youth and women leaders as the best guardians of our world's natural resources, gender equality in all forms, and education about both tropical rainforested and coastal regions.

ADVICE PROJECT MEDIA has developed and led classes and workshops with partnership organizations and programs around the world, including: Women for Afghan Women; Gender Danger; Fahari Academy Charter School; Inotawa Expeditions; Different Directions; and The ROC. Since 2013, we’ve directly reached over 500 students in four countries, and upward of 100,000 indirectly through the articles our students have written. Some articles and film assignments by our students have been published or reposted to The Huffington Post, STIR Journal, All Digitocracy, and Sorry Watch. 

In addition to our programs, online publication, and backend support, ADVICE PROJECT MEDIA has developed a strong teaching methodology and curriculum, which includes Advice to My Thirteen-Year-Old Self, an anthology of letters of advice written by 50 powerful women to their teen selves, 

***Advice Project Media, Ltd. (the "Advice Project") is a registered not-for-profit organization incorporated in New York. The Advice Project is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 501(c)(3) status via New York State is pending and we will update the information on this website as soon as it has been approved.

© 2015 by Advice Project Media. 

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