the THIRD degree: ISSUE 1
EDITOR'S NOTE: Below is the first issue of the 'the THIRD degree', a newspaper written by pre-teen students of the Uppity Witches class...
Students in this semester's Uppity Witches class (taught at Different Directions) are releasing the first issue of THE THIRD DEGREE on...
Call for submissions to 'The Third Degree' (a newspaper by students in Uppity Witches!)
(The Third Degree creators, Nini, Sophia, and Finn) Uppity Witches is a class launched by the Advice Project that looks at witches and...
Uppity Witches collect pads to break menstrual taboos in Cameroon
This year students in Advice Project Media's Uppity Witches class studied witch hunts in Papua New Guinea, Europe, Tanzania, Cameroon,...
What *Really* Happened in The Witches? (A revisionist, feminist retelling of Roald Dahl’s book, The
Students in The Advice Project’s Uppity Witches class were asked to rewrite folktales and scenes from books/films in order to illustrate...
Class Spotlight: Uppity Witches
In the Advice Project’s Uppity Witches class for teens of all genders, we spent the first few weeks learning about witches, witch hunts,...