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After the election my place as a teen living in the U.S.A. is...

This weekend our 2016-2017 Advice Project interns talked about the election results in the U.S.A. and pondered their place in this country. They wondered if politicians take their needs seriously as people of color and as young women and men. The shared a sense of sadness that their voices count less than ever, and also fears that they will no longer have reproductive rights. Our interns also shared their hopes for the future and a deep desire to help heal a divided nation and become activists against hate. Below are some of their thoughts:

Shiloh Janowick: After this election, my place in this country is as an activist against hate. I hope that whatever happens as a result of a Trump presidency is not as severe as his hopefully empty promises.

Alameda Sky Chapman: After the election I no longer have a place in this country. I am a young woman of color who does not meet the new requirements to live in America. After this election I feel my only place in this country is to make a difference. To give voice to the voiceless. To prove that presidential power does not trump the power of the people. I will remain strong these next four years and rebuild my country to fit my hopes.

I hope that I will die as an old woman with the knowledge that our nation has healed from centuries of oppression of those who are different. I hope we judge based on character. I hope that future generations will not fear themselves or others. I hope that the future of our nation will be less individualistic and more concerned with unity.

Anevay Darlington: After this election my place in this country is as a powerful individual, a fighter, a scared teenager who needs love, support and good role models. My place is as a student, a daughter, a musician. I am someone who fights the good fight but has occasional breakdowns, a friend and family member to those who need support and love. I am a creative kid from Brooklyn, a marcher and demonstrator for the causes I believe in. After this election I am a traveler who always comes home.

I hope that people start to make a better effort at stopping climate change. I hope Trump and Pence disappear. I hope I will have reproductive rights for my entire life. I desire revolution more than evolution. I want more prison strikes and a justice system I feel not only feel safe with, but that serves our population. I hope for kindness and sharing, laughter and love. I hope people don't stay ignorant and that everyone will one day have equal rights to a good education. I hope people continue to share music, stories and art. I hope everyone someday feels safe expressing their true selves.

Maya Holtham: After this election my place in this country is to stand and fight along with those who are oppressed. I feel emboldened to become a change-maker by the disgusting rhetorics of those who chose to speak only recently. My face in this country feels weakened by the anger of others and myself, but is never abandoned. My place in this country is like a flame: it can easily die out if not given enough attention.

I hope to do kindnesses for four strangers tomorrow. I hope to become a more active Democrat and a social-activist. I want to be able to give something that brings myself and everyone else who needs it, happiness. I hope that I will never stop learning and will also give people the knowledge they need to reject ignorance. I plan on spending my life doing things of value. I hope that there is a brighter future for the world than what it seems today. I hope there are more people with more perspectives who are waiting to make this world a better place for all. I hope to make America great for the first time.

What is your place in the U.S.A.? What are some of your hopes? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!


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